Find Your Active Uttlesford
Locality network
Active Essex has traditionally had thriving active networks across the County and over the past 12 months these have been rebranded to Find Your Active Networks, encompassing the essence of the Find Your Active brand.
With little and no engagement across Uttlesford, this has helped to restructure and reengage vital partners across the district. Alongside a recently published Uttlesford Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2023-2028), the rebrand has provided a great opportunity to align and make a successful, and positive indent into the number of people who are inactive across Uttlesford.
Partners involved in the network consist of:
- Local physical activity providers
- Local Essex ActivAte providers such as Essex Boys and Girls Club, Kidz Active
- Traditional sport clubs such as community football groups and netball groups
- Uttlesford’s School Sports Coordinator
- Local charities such as Uttlesford Community Action Network, Touchpoint, Enterprise East, Let’s Talk Stansted
- Find Your Active Community Connector
- Active Essex
- Uttlesford District Council
Active Essex are a key partner that links up well with Uttlesford District Council in enabling people to live healthy, active lifestyles. Whilst the council and their Communities Team are currently going through a transition phase, Dave Toombs has continued to push the physical activity agenda with support from Active Essex data and insight.
The Find Your Active Uttlesford network are currently trying to work across multiple sectors and spaces, and what has become increasingly apparent is the difficulty in bringing together this cohort of partners at the same time. Therefore a trial has begun, using a joint approach whereby alternative meetings are held so everyone’s needs can be met.
Key Learnings
It's important to take time to reflect and understand the learnings from work undertaken, in order to focus on ways to improve in the future.
Engaging with council
Despite meetings not taking place in formal meeting spaces, groups are keen to reengage
Relevant discussions taking place
Significance on topics discussed is vital to keep engagement from community partners
Adjusting meeting timings
Place importance on meeting times and structures, to ensure everyone can contribute and attend
We have made a great start with reintroducing the networks as there are good numbers in attendance. In order to keep meetings relevant and appealing it may also be appropriate to theme the meetings in line with the feedback around current challenges and support needed in the community.Rachel Lewis, Relationship Manager West Essex
Fundamentally, the Fit for the Future Physical Activity and Sport Strategy for Essex, Southend and Thurrock was referenced as a key strategic document when developing the Uttlesford Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
The 5 Key Strategic Priorities set out within this Health and Wellbeing Strategy sees physical activity featured heavily. The network must now build upon this opportunity to showcase how physical activity and sport can help drive the health and wellbeing agenda across the district into wider systems and sectors.