Prevention and Enablement Model

Working with Adult Social Care

The ELDP is working closely with Adult Social Care in Essex County Council to test how physical activity can be used as a tool to enable independence, to improve population health and create communities that are inclusive to people with disabilities.

By bringing together skills, expertise and passion from across Adult Social Care, Active Essex and Sport for Confidence, the ELDP wanted to collectively design, deliver, test, learn and sustain action to achieve lasting change for the citizens of Essex.

The Prevention and Enablement Model (PEM) is a 12-month test and learn pilot across the three ELDP focus areas; Basildon, Colchester and Tendring. The Adult Social Care team identified Prevention and Carers as key priorities, to align themselves in the strategic direction of health reflected in the NHS long term plan.


Group 2
Who’s it for?
Adults facing barriers to being physically active
Goal 3
Prime Objective:
to ensure all Essex residents have the opportunity to be active
Goal 4
Second Objective:
ensure residents are a part of their community and live independently

The model is developing practice-based learning opportunities to embed physical activity as part of a prevention and enablement approach within social care, to change the working culture. The PEM delivery team re-designed the strength and balance model as part of the wider falls’ prevention pathway. Digital solutions have since been embedded as a tool to deliver care and support.

By collaboratively working with 6 care homes in Colchester, Tendring and Basildon, the team have been able to increase capacity of care workers who can now incorporate physical activity into resident’s daily routine. They have been able to achieve this by appointing physical activity ambassadors within care homes who promote and champion exercise and safe movement for residents.

attendees to the community partnership workshop
care homes on board and training programme in planning
collaboration workshops to develop strength & balance based principles

To share their learnings from the mid point report, a webinar was held. The 90 minute webinar saw individuals from a health and social background and the sport and physical activity sector join to hear about the findings so far and what approaches were being taken forward.

The webinar showcased how a whole system change was being achieved, even during challenging Covid-19 restrictions and how PEM can help the sector bounce back better. Inequalities have deepened due to the Coronavirus pandemic and the findings learnt from the PEM initiative so far, shows how using prevention approaches can help recondition residents.

Re-watch it here
“I’ll be encouraging staff who I support, to use physical activity with adults who they are working with, even if it involves bed-based activities. I will aim to have regular input from SfC staff in South Essex working with the OT Peer Support Group, which I oversee.”
Essex County Council Occupational Therapist

PEM is a complex project, with multiple layers inclusive of system working, workforce, providers and participants. However, the ELDP have been able to bring together an ecosystem who all centre around achieving common objectives. Although priority areas haven’t changed throughout the model, they have had to evolve due to the complexities. PEM is a model that is multifaceted and the ELDP have learnt the importance of evaluation and communication, both of which should have been considered earlier. Looking to the future, the ELDP need to ensure the bigger investment projects are fully mobilised before launching.
