Diabetes Rehab

Managing Health Conditions

The Diabetes Rehab programme was set up at Clacton Leisure Centre with Active Tendring funding. It aimed to get those with diabetes and with increasing mobility issues moving more and exercising regularly to help manage their condition and monitor blood sugar levels.

The group developed a great rapport and sense of cohesion. They found confidence with each other, which helped to reduce social isolation and was a great benefit when it came to the end of the programme and being introduced to use other facilities at the centre.


Group 1
Who is it for?
Adults in Clacton with high levels of Type 2 Diabetes
Goal 1
Prime Objective:
to increase physical activity levels to reduce levels of diabetes
Goal 2
Second Objective:
to increase confidence in getting active

Each participant took a blood sugar reading before and after exercise and all saw a fall in their blood sugar levels, which really showed them how physical activity can be so beneficial. For one participant who was monitoring hi HbA1c levels (which gives a good indication of how well your diabetes is being controlled), he came out of the red and into the green and was able to reduce his medication as a result.

However, it was difficult to obtain everyone's HbA1c, as many had difficulty retrieving this from their surgery. Moving forward, it was felt further discussion needs to take place to find a way for this to be recorded for validity where health professionals are concerned.

Watch our video to learn more
attendees wished to attend a second course
of participants now regularly use other parts of the centre
of participants referred to Sport for Confidence for additional support
Participants with joint problems found that there Range of Motion (ROM) improved. This included one participant with a frozen shoulder! The mental health benefits were also enormous.
Maggie Parks, Instructor
Diabetes Rehab Deliverer and Participant