Active Essex Foundation
Sport and Youth Crime Prevention Project
The project focuses on young people ranging between 10 and 25 years of age. The young people targeted are also at enhanced risk of exploitation and criminality which ranges differently between localities across Southend, Essex and Thurrock.
The Sport and Youth Crime Prevention Project aims to achieve three main objectives. Firstly, to grow a network of Locally Trusted Organisations who deliver sport and physical activity and are trusted within the community. Secondly, to gather data in order to prove that sport and physical activity is a great engagement tool when providing mentoring and intervention. Thirdly, the project aims to make a change to the Criminal Justice System within Southend, Essex and Thurrock to ensure sport is viewed as an integral element in combatting crime and exploitation.
The project has transitioned from one intent on growing relationships with providers and linking them with the criminal justice system, to one in which the Active Essex Foundation is involved as a partner. The project and those working within in, receive referrals directly through the referral system and utilise information that means they can assess the situation and become a trusted partner for statutory agencies and become part of the intervention process.
Active Essex have been able to work alongside the Active Essex Foundation, helping them to broker the relationships between the criminal justice sector and the sport for development sector. Active Essex have also been able to enhance the profile of physical activity as an engagement tool for young people which has aided the work undertaken with young people who are at risk of criminality and exploitation.
The Sport and Youth Crime Prevention project wouldn’t be possible without the network of expert LTO’s and it is important to ensure that these organisations have the opportunity to connect, share and learn which is why 2 networking events have been held for them. As well as a conference that aimed to link the Criminal Justice Sector with LTO’s, opening meaningful dialogue that bring the sectors together. The conference was a success and the Foundation team received a high level of positive feedback, meaning that 2024 will see another event like this held.