Strengthening Communities

Strategic Priority

Strengthening Communities

Working with communities in a place-based approach, to use the power of physical activity to build resilience, connection and wellbeing, is at the heart of what Active Essex do.

Understanding the unique needs of local communities and through place-based working Active Essex have been able to sustain strong trusted relationships and build upon identified strengths within place. This is helping to ensure co-designed and community led physical activity and sport opportunities are available for those facing the greatest inequalities.

Priorities for this strategic priority this year:

  • Tackling Inequalities
  • Building Resilience and Capacity
  • Hardwiring physical activity into shared community spaces
  • Asset Based Community Development (ABCD)
  • Sport and Youth Crime Prevention

Tackling inequalities

Building upon the last six years of learning from the Local Delivery Pilot, this year Active Essex worked with key system partners to secure further Sport England investment towards Place Partnerships Deepening in Colchester, Tendring and Basildon and secured Place Partnership development awards to expand work into Castle Point, Harlow and Thurrock. This success will enable a system-wide approach to continue to drive transformational change, positively impacting on residents facing the greatest inequalities in these areas, whilst key learnings and ways of working will be shared and implemented across other areas of Essex too. With development phases underway, key system partners have been regularly meeting with Active Essex facilitation, as well as a number of test and learn projects. Read more about the opportunity this is bringing in the case study further below.

Another core initiative which is helping to provide vital support for low-income families has been the Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme, in Essex named, Essex ActivAte.

Since 2021, the programme has been breaking down barriers, offering dynamic, free physical and enrichment activities, alongside a nutritious meal, family support and food education during the school holidays. This initiative is a lifeline for children on free school meals, and those from low-income families, providing robust support to local communities.

different clubs took place between Apr ‘24-Mar ‘25
club fill over every school holiday in the past year
Life as a single parent is like climbing a mountain. There will be set backs, and times when you feel yourself falling, but you just have to hold on and keep climbing. They have helped me to continue working when I cannot afford childcare, they have fed my children during the holidays, at times when I struggled to, and have given my children amazing adventures and happy childhood memories which they wouldn't have otherwise.
Parent, Basildon

Key learnings

It's important to take time to reflect and understand the learnings from work undertaken, in order to focus on ways to improve in the future.

Schools 1

Focus on reach

Engagement with schools and an improved booking process has helped reach new audiences.


Target audience

Tailoring marketing approaches to target audiences that need places at clubs the most.


SEND support

Working with partners identified areas to ensure additional SEND clubs were available.

Data and Time

Half-term offer

Half term offer is a 3rd smaller due to funding, so comms must manage expectations.

Dive in to our tackling inequalities case studies

Strengthening Communities

The Holiday Activity and Food Programme

Strengthened relationships with partners has helped to engage more children on free school meals.

Essex Activ Ate case study header
Strengthening Communities

Essex Local Delivery Pilot

Extensive learnings have put Active Essex in a strong position ahead of the Place Partnerships.

2024 25 Essex Pedal Power Header

Walking challenge for women only

The Women Like Us work utilises Big Team Challenge app to provide an inclusive opportunity.

Women Like Us Big Team Challenge

Building resilience and capacity

Small businesses are facing a number of challenges with recent changes to minimum living wage, holiday pay and business tax, as well as rising inflation. This is coupled with an ongoing systemic challenge around recruitment, career pathways and talent retention of those working in the sport and physical activity sector – particularly in frontline roles such as sports coaching and activity leadership.

The Essex HAF programme is significantly contributing to the Essex economy. The programme gives local organisations opportunities for growth and deployment which has led to them employing more staff and reaching new audiences. Local HAF organisations have been able to tap into capacity building support offered by the Active Essex team, which has supported through community integration and peer support through the growth of an extensive network which shares knowledge and skills.


Our continuing Business Development support programme, which supports community organisations in need of expert guidance, has resulted in:

  • 39 groups developing business or strategic plans
  • Supported the creation of 12 new CIC’s and 2CIOs, ensuring organisations’ strategic goals can be met by the most suitable legal structure
  • £3.75 million has been generated in new funds for organisations on the programme over 3 years.

Key learnings

It's important to take time to reflect and understand the learnings from work undertaken, in order to focus on ways to improve in the future.


Taking a balanced approach

Organisations need to develop long term business plans whilst addressing immediate challenges.


Incorrect governance

Greater focus on increasing awareness of correct governance is an urgent requirement.

Fundraising strategies

Fundraising strategies

Utilising a more strategic approach leads to more successful funding applications approved.

Setting up The Dandelion Project as a CIC has been a huge undertaking, but having Mark’s support has made all the difference. His knowledge, guidance, and expertise in navigating the admin and funding landscape have been invaluable. Thanks to his help, we’re one step closer to reaching more survivors and empowering them through movement. I’m incredibly grateful for his time, patience, and commitment to making this vision a reality.
Fiona Bool, Be More Dandelion

Hardwiring physical activity into shared community spaces

Having identified key community hubs delivering a range of services and support in local places, the Active Essex team have worked closely with hubs to influence and embed physical activity as a way of engaging and supporting local people.

With 47 community hubs across Essex, Southend and Thurrock, the team have found many are working in isolation, but creation of a supportive share and learn network is being established to strengthen their offers.

In addition, 11 Places and Spaces projects were completed following 2023 London Marathon Foundation funding, and due to this success, a further round of Places and Spaces funding followed Ford RideLondon-Essex 2024. 7 projects this year have been approved, developing community assets to create greater opportunities for physical activity.

This year’s funding is helping to improve community spaces that increase physical activity opportunities for:

  • Women and girls
  • People living with a disability or long-term health condition
  • Ethnic diverse communities
  • Lower socio-economic groups

Dive into the places and spaces case studies:

Active Environments

Rookery View Hall

A places and spaces funded project in Castle Point.

Rookery Village Hall
Strengthening Communities

Aythorpe Village Hall

A places and spaces funded project in Uttlesford.

Aythorpe Village Hall
Active Environments

Places and Spaces funding

A more detailed study on the impact of Places and Spaces funding on communities.

Places and Spaces Recipients

Active Essex Foundation

The Active Essex Foundation is a key portfolio project which sits under the Strengthening Communities team.

Active Essex Foundation have become the local experts around Asset Based Community Development (ABCD), creating workshops and offering support for organisations and system partners. This year has seen relationships flourish and many partner organisations intrigued to find out more about the ABCD ethos.

Those eager to participate in the ABCD training has included Public Health, Essex County Council Sustainable Travel team, British Triathlon and Place Partnership stakeholders.

individuals attended ABCD workshops this year.
people are now engaged in the ABCD-E Network.
workshop delivered with British Triathlon in Loughborough.
ABCD training was structured well and tailored to us. There were great use of examples, and lots of interactions/ debate.
ECC Sustainable Travel team member

The Sport and Youth Crime Prevention project has gone from strength to strength this year, engaging with the Essex ecosystem, influencing key partners from health and youth justice, as well as securing vital funding for further interventions that the charity’s key organisational network are already delivering.

One Maldon and the Find Your Active small grants programme have helped BoxSmart on the Ropes and Girls Inspired sessions to take place, empowering girls and providing them an outlet to increase their confidence, as well as young people that may be at risk, or already involved in anti-social behaviour.

young people have been engaged through the BoxSmart programme.
young people registered for the Sport and Life Skills programme.
young women and girls supported by the Girls Inspired programme.

Dive into the Active Essex Foundation case studies:

Strengthening Communities

Sport and Youth Crime Prevention

A programme using the power of sport to reduce anti social behaviour.

Sport and Youth Crime Prevention Header 2025
Children and Young People

Sport and Youth Mental Health

A programme using sport to support children and young people with poor mental wellbeing.

AEF Mental Health
Strengthening Communities

Working with our communities is vital

This approach has been strengthened over the past year. See how Essex is utilising it here.
