Sport and Physical Activity

Career Hub

The pathway in to the sector

Active Essex have identified a need to provide a portal for those who wish to work, volunteer or understand career pathways into the sport and physical activity sector.

As part of the work under the People Culture Skills framework, the Active Essex Sport and Physical Activity team want to help develop a strong workforce and sector to ensure everyone in the county has the opportunity to be active.

The careers hub outlines the many ways in which residents can engage with the physical activity and sport sector, the pathways to finding jobs or volunteer roles, and a library of the current opportunities advertised in the sector right now.

unique webpage views to the careers hub
careers magazines have been distributed
A video library to explore the career pathways

Understanding the pathways for the many jobs available in the Essex Sport and Physical Activity sector, can be a huge help in understanding what is available and suitable for individuals and their skills.

The career pathway videos have become a library resource of individuals describing their job role, the skills and requirements to be able to get there, and the aspirations that it provides.

Alongside key local organisations, Active Essex have been able to put a spotlight on the different pathways individuals have taken to get into roles such as Occupational Therapists, Sport and Leisure Management, owning a business and even Marketing and social media.

We’re finding that through the medium of video, we are able to better showcase the types of job roles within our sector, and it is making it more desirable. I think a lot of people think that it is just coaching and PT’s, but our sector can offer so much more, and the careers hub has really helped us highlight this.
Jess Leonard, Active Essex Assistant Relationship Manager

The video pathway library compliments the already established career magazine, which has been utilised at the many career events in which the team have been able to visit, specifically helping those at school or in higher education establish career routes to potential jobs in the sport and physical activity sector.

Through these events, the team have identified further job profiles that should be highlighted on the careers hub, and are currently working to continually update this to ensure the sport and physical activity sector is somewhere people want to play, volunteer or work, and that the necessary skills are developed and enhanced among the workforce.
