Levelling Up Health and Wellbeing


Creating accessible and engaging opportunities

Sutton Bridge Farm in Rochford was established to create an accessible and engaging outdoor environment for individuals with learning disabilities, autism, and dementia.

Participants range from 18-35 years and have diverse needs; they also require structured outdoor activities for sensory engagement and mobility support. The space is also beneficial for older adults with dementia, offering a calming and interactive outdoor experience.

AE Whos it for
Who's it for?
Residents with learning disabilities, autism, and dementia
AE Prime
Prime objective:
Enhance wellbeing and independence
AE Second
Secondary objective:
Encourage social interaction through sensory activities and horticultural engagement

Supported by Active Essex through the Places and Spaces fund, the sensory trail transformed underutilised outdoor space into an inclusive, accessible sensory environment. The trail features sensory stations with interactive elements, a painted sensory pathway guiding participants through various activities, tactile walls and sensory plants, including roses with musical-themed names chosen by participants and raised planters at Roots & Shoots offering hands-on horticultural therapy.

The project is designed to accommodate up to 170 participants annually, encouraging engagement, social interaction, and a connection with nature. Participants gain independence, social skills, and improved physical and mental well-being through structured outdoor activities.

participants engaged with the trail from Gowlands Respite
participants engaged with the trail from other SEND services
organisations actively using the site

Active Essex and RRAVS representatives visited the site in January to view the proposed area before work commenced. At this stage, the old sand pit had been removed, and some planters were marked out. Progress and the vision for the Sensory Trail were well-received. There is also the potential for a community allotment at the site, which would open to the public and entice new use of the site and trail.

Thanks to funding from Active Essex, we are creating a new sensory trail that will make it easier for people with autism and learning disabilities to be active. It’s going to be a great space that supports different sensory needs, helping people feel comfortable while getting involved in physical activity. What’s even better is that participants from our Ability Works Employment programme will be helping to make it, giving them a fantastic opportunity to develop skills and be part of something that will benefit so many people.
Markie Musilova, Employment Advisor, Ability Works

The initiative demonstrates the transformative impact of the Sutton Bridge Farm Sensory Trail, providing a nurturing environment for individuals with diverse needs and increased community engagement through innovative outdoor activities.
