Levelling Up Health and Wellbeing

Everyone Health

Winter pressures and confidence building

Through ‘Contain Outbreak Management Funding’, Active Essex, Everyone Health and the EPUT Dementia and Older Adult Community Service for South East Essex, worked collaboratively to set up a new programme to offer participants techniques to build confidence, set personal goals and help boost their ability to move more.

After understanding what was missing in their local area, Everyone Health worked with the CCG, Dementia Team and Older Adult Community Service to establish new ways of supporting individuals who didn’t require clinical strength and balance support, but instead needed to build their confidence.

Due to a growing number of deconditioned adults after the Covid-19 pandemic, the group wanted to support residents’ health targets to ensure participants were able to achieve small goals. These included getting to the corner shop, visiting a neighbour and having the mobility to get to the bathroom. Supporting through a personalised health plan, it was the projects hope to improve residents way of life, increasing independence and reducing social isolation.


Group 1
Who's it for?
Older adults in Rochford and Castle Point that are referred via Care Co
Goal 1
Prime Objective:
to increase activity levels among those who had become deconditioned
Goal 2
Second Objective:
to increase mobility confidence, strength, and independence

A Health Trainer was recruited by Everyone Health and they worked alongside Care Co, receiving referrals from the Frailty Team. Care Co received referrals from the Day Assessment Unit, GP’s, Primary Care Network teams and the community. Care Co triaged referrals and decided which patients needed support to help them move more. These patients were then referred to the Everyone Health, Health Trainer.

Patients first received a 1-hour initial assessment, where the Health Trainer worked with them to develop a health-related goal and personal health plan. Individuals were entitled to two follow-up 30-minute home-based sessions to review and build self-responsibility and resilience in managing their own health.

One participant was wanting to socialise more after covid-19, as she had rarely left the house in two years. After sharing lots of groups and opportunities in her local area throughout the first session, by the time I returned two weeks later, she had contacted them all and booked on to attend. She explained that our positive conversation had given her the confidence to reach out and is currently a member of her local woman’s institute, U3A and is waiting to join the bowls club.
total referrals
home visits health plans started
contacts made and home visits scheduled

Since the project has begun, work has been underway with connecting the Health Trainer to other local services, as well as the Find Your Active Community Connectors. This has enabled additional exit routes for patients into the community to ensure behaviour change can be sustained.

Due to a bespoke referral route in to the programme, not as many referrals have been made as they initially would have liked. Therefore, to expand the project further, additional routes are being explored to reach further residents within the community.

The Winter Pressures project pilot has been successful in supporting older adults build confidence and receive targeted support to empower them to take control of their health goals.
Lee Monk, Active Essex Relationship Manager for South Essex
Lee Monk