Using a whole systems approach to improve health and wellbeing
Essex Public Health and Essex County Council Adult Social Care (ASC) Teams made a commitment to commission a pioneering Essex-wide, three-year, Early Help and Prevention service called ‘Reconnect’, with Sport for Confidence CIC as the selected provider.
With funding from Active Essex and building upon the success of the Prevention and Enablement Model (PEM), Reconnect harnesses the power of physical activity to improve the lives of people living with disabilities and/or long-term health conditions in Essex, and help them lead more fulfilling lives.

Evaluated by the University of Essex in 2023, it was clear that PEM had many beneficial outcomes. Utilising a whole systems approach within health and adult social care, the pilot was able to support individuals to access physical activity in their local community, with the support of an Allied Health Professional. It also demonstrated self-reported increases in confidence, independence, and social connections, as well as deliver £58.72 of social value for every £1 invested. (Read the report here)
As part of the Reconnect service, an evidence-based Occupational Therapy-Led model has been deployed to support people with learning needs and/or disabilities, autism, long-term health conditions, physical disabilities, sensory impairments, as well as their carers. The service is community-based and uses physical activity as a tool to build and maintain physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. With a person-centred and holistic approach at its core, the service aims to empower individuals to achieve their goals and lead fulfilling lives.
As strategic and delivery partner for PEM, Sport for Confidence CIC were essential in the design and delivery of the physical activity sessions. They also provide education and guidance to health and social care professionals, supporting the embedding of effective, progressive and results-focused activity programmes into patient care plans.
As part of the implementation of Reconnect, Sport for Confidence will continue to work with local services and organisations to ensure individuals are informed about the service and the wider community pathways available to them after accessing support.
Reconnect represents a significant step forward in positively impacting the health and wellbeing of individuals, the economy, and in reducing the growing health inequalities the county faces. The positive outcomes from PEM, demonstrate that by successfully using physical activity as a tool within a whole systems and preventative approach in adult social care, can truly be transformational.