Children and Young People

Beckmead Moundwood Academy - OSF

Sport and physical activity offer for pupils

Through the Department for Education Opening School Facilities (OSF) funding, Beckmead Moundwood Academy in Harlow have been able to deliver Boxing, Football and Gym sessions to their students. The funding has resulted in the school’s gym to be refurbished with state of the art equipment, new football goals and new boxing training equipment to enhance the after school clubs offer. The OSF funding has meant Beckmead have also been able to connect with locally trusted organisations to deliver these extracurricular sessions.

Beckmead Moundwood Academy is a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) located in Harlow. OSF funding has enabled the school to link up and form new relationships with local clubs and organisations who deliver the funded sessions. Over the past year, an external club have been delivering boxing sessions to help develop discipline, resilience and confidence amongst students whilst getting active.

AE Whos it for
Who's it for?
Current and ex pupils at Beckmead Moundwood Academy
AE Prime
Prime Objective:
to teach students lessons around discipline and confidence
AE Second
Second Objective:
to provide ex-students with valuable work experience

Brentwood Town FC have been delivering the extra-curricular football sessions, that have not only created a pathway for continued engagement in the sport outside of term time, but also meant that Beckmead were also able to play their first football match against a local school to showcase the behaviour skills they learnt during the funded sessions. The newly refurbished gym and state of the art equipment has deemed the facility safe to students, with personal training coaching sessions, ex-students at the referral unit have been able to gain experience in helping the delivery of the fitness sessions.

Active Essex have supported the Beckmead through the course of the Opening Schools Facilities programme, ensuring that they can benefit from the funding in the best way possible. Active Essex provided advice on ways to spend the funding that was right for and would positively impact the target demographic. By connecting the PRU with local organisations has helped them provide their students with the right opportunities to help them get active.

sessions delivered in total
awarded across the three year funding period
students have attended the sessions

The OSF funding that the school has received has highlighted the significant impact that physical activity can have on a young person’s behaviour. By hosting new and improved sporting activities, Beckmead has seen a vast improvement in attendance levels and social and behavioural skills amongst the students. Thanks to the increased connections with local organisations, pupils have been able to gain the confidence to attend sessions outside of school time.

We are so thankful for the OSF funding. As a school we have noticed the impact this programme has had on our school’s attendance and behaviour throughout the day. Through the funded sports our pupils can channel their aggression and help develop their behaviour skills. This funding has enabled us to build connections and provide PRU pupils and opportunity to be accepted and join clubs after school. We are so thankful and lucky to have been involved in this project.
Ben Clark, PE Lead, Beckmead Moundwood Academy

Showing the impact physical activity has had on their pupils, Beckmead Moundwood Academy are aiming to fund their staff and ex-students in personal training coaching courses to increase the knowledge and teachings of the popular new gym. Through building relationships and highlighting the impact of that the OSF funding has had, Beckmead Moundwood Academy’s next step is to connect with local grass root football clubs by offering their football pitches out to hire and thus generating an income for the school.

Their new formed relationships with local clubs have resulted in students continuing their sporting engagement inside and outside of school times. With the Gym and Boxing sessions being very popular amongst students, the funding has enabled ex-students to return and gain coaching experiences to help their career pathways. OSF has enabled Beckmead Moundwood Academy to be more than a PRU, but an opportunity for collaboration with local clubs in providing positive sporting experiences and challenging the behaviours of their students.
Tom Weller, Active Essex Assistant Relationship Manager
Tom Weller