Active Environments


Mid Essex approach to orienteering opportunities

With many areas to utilise, and facilities available, Mid Essex wanted to work with Active Essex to increase participation in orienteering, ensuring it was easily accessible.

Orienteering provides a healthy, low cost, low impact opportunity for the local community, whereby they are encouraged to take part in increased physical activities and use of local facilities.

By increasing awareness of orienteering and subsidising costs for participants to engage in the activity, it was hopeful that the sport could be made more appealing to underrepresented groups. Since the beginning of 2024, the group have seen a significant involvement in female and trans gender representation, as well as a younger audience engaging in the sport.


AE Whos it for
Who is it for?
The local community, and underrepresented groups.
AE Prime
Prime Objective:
to increase participation in orienteering in Essex.
AE Second
Second Objective:
to refurbish Hyland’s park course to be more accessible.

Chelmsford City Council, notably local councillors, the staff at Hyland’s House and the Parks Department brokered a partnership that has been mutually beneficial in order to improve the course at Hyland’s Park. With many areas to utilise and facilities available, Essex Stragglers Orienteering Society wanted to work within Mid Essex to increase awareness of the sport, and local community space, with support from Active Essex.

The orienteering network had relatively little experience using mobile phone based geo-location technologies, however the project has helped to broaden this experience and helped provide another low-cost method for participants to undertake orienteering using the MapRun application.

participants have engaged to-date
increase of participants at Hylands Park refurbished course
uplift on compared with 2021/22 events
I am delighted that we have encouraged so many people to participate in the sport. Orienteering offers so much opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to exercise their mind and body.
Orienteering Lead

Key Learnings

It's important to take time to reflect and understand the learnings from work undertaken, to focus on ways to improve in the future.


Tackling Inequalities

Removing barriers to participating has been hard for ethnic diverse communities.

Data Collection

Obtaining feedback

Difficult when participants don’t regularly complete online or printed data forms.


Digital technology

Maps are free to downloaded so unsure how many have used Hyland’s facility.
