Finding Your Feet
Walks for all in the community
Throughout 2022/23 Community360 established several new Finding Your Feet Walks, which are linked to GP Practices and take place in partnership with various Voluntary Care Services partners.
The vital relationships which have been established, have led to receive referrals from primary care practitioners, Social Prescribers, and neighbourhood level support groups to engage with citizens who may be physically inactive, supporting them to participate in physical activity.
By attending Finding your Feet walks, participants have demonstrated significant weight loss, improved mobility, broadened their social networks and addressed their wider health and wellbeing challenges. Active Essex have also seen an increase in community led walks through recruitment and training of volunteers, not just for Community360, but also for partner organisations or individuals who would like to establish new activities themselves.

The walks have been designed to be inclusive, with everyone feeling welcome and supported to do what they can at their pace. The online walks have provided a space for those that face additional barriers to being active and getting outside, working with the Care Homes and Headway has been a great example of this.
Active Essex worked closely with Community360 to evolve and grow the Green Prescribing network across Braintree through Find Your Active funding. Jo, the walk motivator in Braintree has now collaborated with the British Legion, LACE, Rethink, Roundwood and Braintree Mencap, who all now deliver regular walks themselves or join with the community offer. The volunteer network has also grown, now leading existing sessions and beginning additional walks. Venues in which these walks are taking place, has also spread to include locations such as Witham, Coggeshall, Shalford, Sible Hedingham and Braintree Town.