Levelling Up Health and Wellbeing

Able like Mabel

Find Your Active Fall-Proof Programme

Active Essex worked closely in partnership with the South-East Essex Alliance Frailty Group to ensure there was easily available education and resources to support the prevention of falls, in South and Mid Essex.

The alliance identified that falls hospitalisations were on the rise and that easy to access education and information needed to be shared with residents as a preventative method to encourage change in behaviour. Strength and balance exercises needed to be acknowledged and shared with residents to be completed safely at home, ensuring they could continue independence and mobility longer into later life. As a result, ‘Able Like Mabel’ resources and campaign, provided the appropriate support.

The resources are aimed at adults over the age of 65 years old or those who have become deconditioned. The first wave of resources has been distributed through a variety of organisations, reaching residents within the most deprived areas of Mid and South Essex.

AE Whos it for
Who is it for?
Older adults living in mid and south Essex
AE Prime
Prime Objective:
to encourage independence to prevent falls
AE Second
Second Objective:
to embed physical activity as preventative care

Able Like Mabel was initially developed by Active Gloucestershire and the local Clinical Commissioning Group as part of their Fall proof campaign to encourage residents to use an easy-to-follow strength and balance guide, drawing upon behaviour change techniques throughout. The resources include education with a self-check on daily activities, tips on embedding behaviours with habit stacking, prompts and reminders to do activities and self-regulation methods to track changes.

Across the development stages of the resource, there was collaboration between partners within Mid Essex and Basildon and Brentwood Alliances to have Able Like Mabel resources for residents too. In turn Active Essex bridged the partnership to work together across the Mid and South Essex ICS, in order to have a consistent messaging on the prevention of falls. The Better Care Fund across the 3 alliance areas was able to fund the distribution of 40,000 resource packs, supported by PCNs, Community Organisations, Care Homes and health care colleagues to ensure they reach those most in need of support. Active Essex took a lead in distributing the resources, working with Active Gloucestershire to localise the Able Like Mabel resources in Essex through the Find Your Active brand.

people will be aged 75+ in Mid & South Essex by 2039
resource packs being distributed
districts across Mid & South Essex have received resource
Falls are such a serious issue for so many people. They can pose real threats to a person’s health, wellbeing, their independence, quality of life, and even life expectancy for many. However, we also know that nearly half of all falls could be preventable. Improving awareness and understanding of what can help is critical. I'm thrilled that we are launching this hugely important campaign, which can help so many people.
Sarah Zaidi, South East Essex SEE Alliance Clinical Director

Key Learnings

It's important to take time to reflect and understand the learnings from work undertaken, in order to focus on ways to improve in the future.


Health Group

The Frailty group in South-East Essex saw the importance of physical activity and it’s role in ...


Existing Resources

The use of existing behaviour change resources meant Active Essex didn’t have to design them fr...

Working Together

Working Together

Co-production with the NHS provides positive evidence of good outcomes for this agenda going forw...

Read a local story about a group implementing this preventative approach

Levelling Up Health and Wellbeing

Strength and Balance for Older Adults

Run by Age Concern in Southend, participants are supported to get active to remain independent for a...

Age Concern 1